Software for Prescription Management

Prescription management is very import and integral part of any optical retail business. Keeping all eye testing records are mandatory in some countries and it is also necessary for providing good customer experience.

Before we understand importance of prescription management and how to properly manage eye testing prescriptions in any optical retail store, we will first understand what is prescription and what are its components.

What is prescription?

In optical industry prescription means the eye power details of any customer. Prescriptions are of two types, one is for eyewear and second one is for contact lens. It is not possible to use eyewear prescription in contact lens of vice versa.

There are various values you can find in any prescription like SPH, CYL, ADD, AXIS, DV, NV, OD, OS, PD, PRISM, BC, DIA etc.

Why prescription management is important ?

There are many vital information which is stored in any prescription and these information is valuable. Most of the optical retail stores keeps history of their customer prescriptions in EXCEL or PAPER format. Any smart business owner will value this information and it will help them to server their customers better.

Also, it is observed that customers will come back to your store if they know for sure you have their prescription records. They don’t have to waste time and money in undergoing eye testing again by going any other optical retail store.

How software can help you in prescription management ?

Prescription data is very important for any optical retail business; a good software can help you to record and store prescription database in proper format.

With the help of software, you can easily record complete prescription data and print prescription cards for your customers.